
Interchangeable Inserts

Dec 19th 2022

Why do some bowlers have interchangeable and others do not?  Interchangeable thumbs have become a very common part of today’s competitive bowling environment.  Non-Competitive Bowlers, … read more

The evolution of finger inserts

Dec 19th 2022

We are now half way into the winter bowling season. Most bowlers tend to forget that finger inserts should be changed after 45 to 60 games.  At the start of every bowling season, you should go t … read more

PBA TV Incentives - Good for sales?

Dec 19th 2022

In the current PBA environment, bowling ball manufacturers pay players very minimal incentives to throw a bowling ball on television. Incentives to use specific products (balls, shoes, wrist supports … read more

Where's the excitement?

Dec 19th 2022

Here is a question for bowlers reading this post. What makes you get excited when bowling? Is it a strike? Is it a 3 bagger/turkey? Is it shooting an honor score? Do you get excited to face a specific … read more

Your first blog post!

Feb 15th 2014

Welcome to your blog!A blog is a great place to share details on your products, business and whatever else you think your shoppers might like to hear from you. You can include photos in your blog pos … read more