Brunswick Viz-A-Ball Hanna Barbera Flintstones Fred and Barney Bowling Ball

(2 reviews) Write a Review


Line Flintstones
Color Clear
Coverstock Polyester
Core 3-piece
Intermediate Diff n/a
Factory finish Polished
Weights 6 thru 16lbs

2 Reviews

  • giangi

    Posted by giangi on Dec 9th 2002

    As I said in "Dislikes" there's no reason to spend 140 euros for a spare ball...but when I saw it I said "this ball is THE BALL". I grew up with TheFlinstones cartoons, so I loved it immediatly. This ball is for those that want a bowling ball not only to play bowling but also as a status symbol. Call it vanity if you want. I used an old ball (Storm ElNino Wrath) to spare left side pins (I'm lefthander), but whenever I tried this I understood why people use a spare ball to spare pins. It's perfect!

  • Godofthunder666

    Posted by Godofthunder666 on Jul 17th 2002

    I have the orange flintstones ball with just the pic of Fred on it. There's not too much to say about a ball like this. I just use it for 4 pin, 6 pin, 7 pin, or 10 pin spares and if the lanes are broken down enough I will use it. I always have a use for this ball though because usually the lanes will break down enough in order to use it. The lanes tend to be quite inconsistent where I bowl. It's always perfect to have a ball like this for corner pins. Just don't try to hook it across the lane or anything because it won't work unless the lanes are extremely dry. For the Friday night league that I bowl in during the fall, the lanes usually aren't heavily oiled so a lot of the time, I will end up going to this ball during the 3rd game or even the 2nd game at times.