Storm Hy-Road Max Bowling Ball

(53 reviews) Write a Review
The Inverted Fe2 weight block has historically had a higher RG orientation. The higher the RG, the more resistant the ball will be to changing direction as it travels down the lane. NeX first made its debut on the Axiom™, the newest touchstone from which all other balls are compared. The finishing touches clock in at 3000-grit Abralon, which has become the benchmark standard of surface profiles. As you can see, there’s more to every ball than meets the eye.
CoverstockNeX Solid Reactive
CoreInverted Fe2 Technology
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finish3000 grit Abralon
Weights13 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes

53 Reviews

  • Haley Lundy

    Posted by Haley Lundy on Mar 16th 2021

    The HyRoad Max has some big shows to fill for sure after the original hyroad is still being used on tour. My first reaction to the max was that cover was just to strong for me and I was not getting the carry I wanted. It would tend to just give up in the back end and not go through the pins good. As I used it and it got some lane shine on it I did find my self getting the carry I wanted. I just needed the ball to get another foot down the lane to get a nice shape. I think a lot of the complaints are about the out of box finish. With that being said the ball takes to lots of different surface changes.

  • Ian W

    Posted by Ian W on Mar 15th 2021

    Take it to the Max!!! The new HyRoad Max features the trusty old Inferted Fe2 core wrapped in the NeX Solid cover which is also found on the Axiom solid and the Proton Physix. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the ball reaction that I've seen from the HyRoad Max. This ball reads the mid-lane very well and isn't overly aggressive on the back in which can be very helpful in controlling your breakpoint and blending out patterns. I have thrown mine on my local centers house shot as well as a higher volume 1:1 pattern and the HyRoad Max rolled great on both. I bowl league on old wood lanes and there is a lot of friction. I was still able to use the Max for a full 3 game league set, I just kept bumping left to open my angle and find some head oil and the Max never struggled to make the corner. The Max also hits like a truck. I haven't had a ball that drives through the pins like this one does in quite some time. If you are a fan of the HyRoad line this is a must add for your league and or tournament bag. And if you are new to the HyRoad experience this is a great one to start with?

  • PJ Haggerty

    Posted by PJ Haggerty on Mar 15th 2021

    Storm Hyroad Max Ball Review by PJ Haggerty The newest addition to the Thunder Line at Storm is the Hyroad Max. The Hyroad series has been out for over ten years now and will go down as one of the most successful line of balls the game has ever seen. Out of all of the Hyroad's that have been made, the Max is definitely the most unique one yet. The biggest difference is the NeX coverstock is on the Max which was originally used on the Axiom. I've drilled one Hyroad Max so far and really like it. I mapped the layout as 5 x 4.5 x 75. This puts the pin above my bridge and I also changed the surface with 4000 and water. I've had the most success using the Max on medium-longer patterns. Even though the RG is higher at 2.57 and differential is .046, the Max feels much stronger than that (maybe due to the coverstock). It's been a great compliment to the Proton Physix, Axiom, and Respect. Overall, the Max is another home run addition to not only the Hyroad line, but the Storm line as well. Go drill one to get the latest & greatest! #StormNation

  • Duane Enterline

    Posted by Duane Enterline on Mar 13th 2021

    I drilled the Hyroad Max with a plan of being able to play a bit straighter and keep my angles in front of me. With the NEX coverstock and a weaker hyroad core, I am able to do that. This ball is great to start out league and play up the oil line. I have also had some success on different sport patterns. I drilled mine 40 x 3.5 x 40. I am 17.5mph, 375 rpm, 10 deg til, 60 deg axis rotation.

  • mancstorm

    Posted by mancstorm on Mar 12th 2021

    Hyroad core. Nex cover. Sounds like a great combo and it is. The strong cover and weaker core combination of the Max fits a spot were there aren't a lot of options. Takes great to surface adjustments to make it easily adjustable to as much or as little as you want it to hook.

  • Trent Knoop

    Posted by Trent Knoop on Mar 9th 2021

    I always get excited when I hear about a new Hy-Road coming out - they always impress! The new Hy-Road Max is a solid ball with the Nex solid coverstock attached to it. I always like to compare any new Hy-road with the OG Hy-road. My Max is drilling pin above the bridge - which is 3.5 inches from my PAP. With the Max being solid, it's earlier than the OG Hyroad, so I have to get about 5-6 boards left witht the Max. This ball is extremely versatile for me, and it sees the midlane great. It's not too strong on the backend, so it blends the patterns well, where you have a nice strong controllable motion. If you like the Hy-Road series, you'll enjoy this one!

  • Dan Marriott

    Posted by Dan Marriott on Mar 6th 2021

    The new HyRoad Max is a new solid that has been added to the famous HyRoad line. This ball features Inverted Fe2 Core wrapped in NeX Solid. NeX Solid was first founded on the Axiom and is also on the Proton PhysiX. Out of the Axiom, Proton PhysiX and the HyRoad Max, the HyRoad Max is going to be the weakest of the three with NeX on it. But the HyRoad Max allows you to stay in a bigger cover with a weaker core during the transition. This is going to be a great league ball because of how versatile it is. Be sure to get yours today!

  • Kassy Shumate

    Posted by Kassy Shumate on Mar 5th 2021

    As I predicted this ball has a benchmark shape for me. It is smooth, predictable and continues through the pins. Where I do run into trouble is when there isn't enough oil. I have been struggling to make this work on our typical house shot but have been thriving with it at other centers with more oil. I can see this being a modified house shot" killer! As it has lane shined it has only gotten better for me. Next time I think I would just knock the shine off of it right out of the box. I have always wanted that typical Hyroad shape with a stronger cover so that it would be more usable in tournaments for me. This is exactly what I have been waiting for. Head on over to my YouTube channel to see my ball reaction video!

  • Trevor Roberts

    Posted by Trevor Roberts on Mar 5th 2021

    This Hy-Road Max has quickly become one of my favorite balls in my bag. Because the cover is so strong, I polished it the day I drilled it and haven't looked back. It is a ball that I have thrown on many different patterns and volumes, and it amazes me on every one. When the Hy-Road is going too long, this is the perfect ball. When the Phaze 2 can't get the 10 out because it isn't retaining enough energy, this is the perfect ball. The Hy-Road Max perfectly embodies a stronger, more overall hook Hy-Road. Whether solid or shiny, the Hy-Road Max will give you a predictable motion that you can rely on. If you want to strike more, go get one! Trevor Roberts 2016 PBA Southern Regional Rookie Of The Year Storm Products / Turbo 2n1 Grips / Bowlifi Staff Member Right Handed Rev Rate: 400 Speed: 16 PAP: 5 1/2 up 13/16

  • Anthony Wiegand

    Posted by Anthony Wiegand on Mar 4th 2021

    I was really excited they brought out another hyroad and wrapped it in the NEX cover. This ball at the price point hooks!. This is going to be the strongest hyroad out to date. If you're looking for a ball that reads the midlane and has something of the spot this ball is for you. This ball is great paired with the proton physix. These two together on the lanes is a 1-2 punch. Get to your local pro shop and grab one of these!


    Posted by BRIAN HIRSCH on Mar 3rd 2021

    Storm Hy-Road Max Hey everyone, I'm back with another ball review, and this time it's for the Storm Hy-Road Max. This ball is wrapped in the NeX Solid 3000-grit Abralon with an RG 2.57 and of Diff .046. The first thing you will notice about this ball is that it's green and smells like a green apple jolly rancher. (Don't throw this ball on an empty stomach) Since I received the Hy-Road Max it has been putting in a lot of work and two of our three centers out there in Kenosha, WI. The one center that I bowl at that I can not use this ball puts out enough oil that I can stay in a Roto Grip RST-X1 or Storm Proton Physix for all three games of the league. Our other two centers have higher friction lanes and I can find myself using this ball on the fresh there. (2/26/21 I used this ball from start to finish and had games of 256-289-278=823) My ball has a layout of 4 ½ X 3 ¼ X 1 ¾. What I see with this ball is that typical Hy-Road look meaning that the core doesn't want to roll up too fast or too slow. The new NEX cover that has been on the Axiom, Axiom Pearl and Proton Physix is being proved to be a fantastic cover for a wide variety of bowling balls. I am more up the back of the ball than others so I see ball motion a little different and the roll that I create allows me to stay in balls much longer than others. I see this ball sitting in between the Axiom's to make a great 1-2-3 punch, but there is a touch of difference so you will not need all three. Until the next review Bowl Up A Storm! BOWLER STYLE: RH - Power Stroker Rev Rate: 320 Ball Speed: 15-16 PAP: 4 7/8 right 5/8 up. #Storm #VISE #BowlersChoiceProShop #BabesAndBallsBowling #LogoInfusion #IAmBowling (coupon code HIRSCH 20% off at checkout) YouTube Channel: Brian Hirsch

  • David O'Sullivan

    Posted by David O'Sullivan on Mar 2nd 2021

    HyRoad Maxx Layout - 55 x 5 x 30 First, this ball has fantastic shelf appeal and SMELLS AMAZING! For me, I haven't matched up super well with HyRoad's lately, high RG cores and I don't usually get along. This one is much more usable with the super strong cover. For me out of the box it was earlier and lazier than I wanted it to be, I smoothed the surface up to use it later in the block and it rolls great! For those of you who bowl league, this is going to be a must have. It is a new version of the HyRoad Nano which was a staple in most folks bags, give this one a try!

  • Nate Garcia

    Posted by Nate Garcia on Feb 28th 2021

    The newest addition to the Hyroad Line. Storm Bowling is bringing you the new Hyroad Max! The new Hyroad Max has the trusty Hyroad Core wrapped around the new NEX Solid Coverstock found on the Proton Phsyix. The Hyroad Max gives players a very controllable and continuous benchmark piece that they can rely on. I see this ball coming into play when the Phaze 2 is too smooth downlane and is starting to lose its energy too soon. This can also be the first option right after your strong asymmetrical solid bowling balls, where you still need a strong symmetrical, the Hyroad Max will be a players best option. This ball is very versatile and can be used on a wide range of patterns. This isn't a ball you can necessarily create a ton of shape with, but when you need a strong symmetrical solid that you can keep your angles closed and control the fresh on sport patterns, this is the ball for you. Get yours at your local Storm VIP ProShop!

  • Kevin Duncan

    Posted by Kevin Duncan on Feb 24th 2021

    Storm HyRoad Maxx Layout: 4.5 X 3.5 X 2 Storm Vector Layout Rev Rate: 325 rpm, 7 degree of axis tilt, 40 degree of axis rotation Testing Information: 41-foot THS (medium volume) Kegel Machine – Brunswick Anvilane I have heard the smell of the new Storm HyRoad Maxx described as a green jolly rancher. I would have to agree and say the smell is one of the more pleasant fragrances of recent releases. The only problem is it makes me hungry and I am gaining weight. The Storm HyRoad Maxx utilizes the NEX Solid cover and the proven, winning Inverted Fe2 weight block used on the HyRoad OG (one of my all-time favorite bowling balls). The Maxx is the earliest hooking ball in the HyRoad series with the factory cover on it. The hook potential was slightly less than the Storm Axiom. Therefore, I decided to shine my HyRoad Maxx to see if I could strike the same magic with it as I did when I shined the original Storm Hyroad. I used it Games 3 and 4 in our 4-game league after the break down started. The HyRoad Maxx was about 2 and 2 boards right of my Idol that I threw in Games 1 and 2. The Maxx handles the oil better than I thought. I was worried the shine could cause the ball to go too long but I didn't see that issue. The Maxx did recover on my misses to the right. The carry was good as well. We tested my shiny Maxx against one with factor surface after league. The factory surface Maxx hooked sooner than the shiny one, about two feet sooner, but did not have the recovery on the back end like the shiny Maxx. We expected exactly this difference between the two different surfaces. The factory surface will allow me to stay right, with my target more in front of me, early in a tournament. The shiny Maxx will be a step down from the Idol and Axiom Solid when they begin to hook to soon. Visit your local Storm VIP Pro Shop to order yours. Continue to bowl up a Storm! #Stormnation

  • Matt Fazzone

    Posted by Matt Fazzone on Feb 20th 2021

    The Hy Road Max is the latest installment of one of the most historical line of bowling balls in bowling today. The Hy Road Max features the classic Inverted Fe2 weight block wrapped around the recently popular NeX Solid cover. I drilled mine 5.5 x 3 x 3 and here is a disclaimer, if you are looking for another Hy Road that creates a lot of angle, this probably isn't the Hy Road for you. The Max is a lot smoother and reads the lanes much earlier due to NeX. After throwing mine for a couple weeks this ball actually reminds me of a stronger version of the Roto Grip Wild Streak from last year. It is really good when the lanes are fresh and doesn't give you too much backend reaction like the original Hy Road does. Heavier volume patterns or flatter patterns where you want a smoother ball reaction will best suit this Hy Road Max. MUST HAVE FOR TOURNAMENT BOWLERS.

  • StormJoshShoemaker

    Posted by StormJoshShoemaker on Feb 18th 2021

    The Hyroad Max features the same proven FE2 core but is now wrapped in NEX solid. The FE2 core boasts an RG of 2.52 and differential of 0.058 in #16 respectively. The design intent behind this ball was to provide a similar amount of friction to the Axiom (being as they share the same cover) but from a zone farther down the lane. Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm always honest with what I think. Just because I'm on staff with Storm does not mean I love every ball I drill. That being said, I do not like what I see out of this ball so far. It's cleaner than expected but much straighter off the end of the pattern than I would like. It's strong enough to force me too far left too quickly but a little too forward to properly get through to pins. This combined with the color of the ball just doesn't fit what my eye likes to see so far. I do plan on taking the surface up some and letting it lane shine to hopefully increase the friction response downlane. I see this ball being better for straighter players on higher volume/flatter patterns when they need to keep very closed angles. When compared to the original Hyroad, the Hyroad Max is earlier, rounder and straighter off the end of the pattern. The Hyroad Max is available for pre order today from any storm VIP pro shop! Review Video:

  • Luke Rosdahl

    Posted by Luke Rosdahl on Feb 18th 2021

    The Hyroad Max features the NeX solid cover and famed symmetric inverted FE squared core. NeX solid was launched on the Axiom, and was most recently on the Proton PhysiX, and is an evolution of NRG. More durability, more entry angle, and more strength, and so far the Axiom has been a favorite among the touring players, while the Proton is picking up steam as well. There isn't much to say about the inverted FE squared core that hasn't been said, it's the Hyroad core coming in at a 2.57 RG and an .046 differential in 15 pounds. The higher RG helps the ball get further down the lane while the medium high differential helps it recover and punch down lane. The blend of the longer and stronger core with the super strong cover creates a unique look that helps you get traction and predictability without it starting up as early as something like an Axiom or a Proton PhysiX, and would be a nice step down from either of those when they get too early. It should also be a great option on shorter but heavier sport patterns and on heavier patterns overall when chasing the shot inside. As the lane transitions, you sometimes need stronger covers to dig through the volume without stronger cores making the ball start up too early. The Hyroad Max gets a 7 for hook, a 5 for length, and a 5 for backend strength.

  • Adam Chase

    Posted by Adam Chase on Feb 17th 2021

    The Hyroad Max brings back the popular NEX coverstock most recently found on the Proton Physix and Axiom bowling balls. The cleaner Inverted FE core allows for a clean reaction through the front of the lane while the strong NEX cover allows the ball to dig strongly into the midlane while still maintaining a controlled yet continuous shape through the pins. The Hyroad Max brings a reaction very unique to the Storm lineup. The strength of the NEX Cover makes this ball ideal for medium to heavy lane conditions or those who are more speed dominant. For me and my higher rev rate, this ball has a harder time for longevity on typical house patterns. For me this ball would be great on more heavier oil conditions, sport patterns with volume and longer oil patterns. Those with lower rev rates will be able to have a lot more usage for a league session or tournament. Don't be afraid to bring the ball's surface up to 4000 or even polished to create a little weaker overall shape. Adam Chase Storm Staff

  • Rodney Gilmore

    Posted by Rodney Gilmore on Feb 17th 2021

    Cover: N2X Solid Reactive Finished: 3000 Factory RG: 2.57 Diff:0.17 Well, it is finally available!! The Hy-Road Max. I just drilled mine up here a few days ago. I drilled it using my normal layout 45x 3 ½ x 45 which puts the pin kicked out a little above my ring finger. I was looking forward to this release as well since it will be my first ball in the Hy-Road line up that I have gotten to drill. I like the length the Max gives me down lane. The Max has a smooth ball motion and does not seem to over hook of the friction yet is very continuous. It is controllable which I like. The Max would be a good compliment to the Axiom or the Phaze 2 even when the lanes break down and you need something longer and more controllable with a still have the strong backend motion. If you're a fan of the Hy-Road line up the Max with a big winner!!

  • James Kniffen Jr.

    Posted by James Kniffen Jr. on Feb 16th 2021

    Storm's new HyRoad Max combines a few familar elements into something that looks to be an amazing ball for higher volume house shots and tournament patterns! It combines the NeX Solid cover (previously seen on the Axiom and Proton PhysiX) and the revered Inverted Fe2 core from the HyRoad series... wrap all of that in a bright-green 3000 Abralon shell and make it smell like green apple, and it doesn't get much better. Mine reminds me a lot of an Axiom that doesn't get into the roll phase quite as early - or, if you liked the AllRoad and just want more teeth then this is the ball for you.

  • Ron D'Ambrosio

    Posted by Ron D'Ambrosio on Feb 11th 2021

    Storm Hy-Road Max ball review by Ron D'Ambrosio Smooth defined breakpoint The new Hy-Road Max really blends the lane out without sacrificing the punch down lane. The NEX coverstock is pretty strong, but because the Fe2 weight block wants to get the ball down the lane, the two complement each other seamlessly. I would describe this ball as a little stronger than my IQ Tour Nano pearl, but not as strong as my Axiom. If your league shot is too dry to use the big hooking stuff but still has a decent amount of oil, this ball will work nicely. The OOB finish was just a touch too strong so a quick wet sand with a 4000 grit pad put just a tiny bit of sheen on the ball and really woke it up. It scooted down the lane easier but still remained super smooth, read the mid-lane nice and had great pop on the back. Misses to the outside rolled up to the pocket instead of bouncing off the dry and misses inside of target held nice but still finished hard. And the eye catching color brought a lot of people over to my lanes for a look. This will be a first ball out of the bag for a lot of people. Ron D'Ambrosio Storm Amateur Staff #StormNation #SquadRG #900Global

  • Kennon McFalls

    Posted by Kennon McFalls on Feb 11th 2021

    The Hy-Road Max is by far the strongest Hy-Road to date. It has the NeX Coverstock which is Storm's strongest Coverstock. For me, Hy-Roads were always on the cleaner and flippier side anyways, so its nice that Storm gave us a Hy-Road that brings the breakpoint closer to us. Following, I usually throw the Hy-Roads at the end of blocks when the lanes have really broken down. The new Hy-Road Max will come into play earlier in the blocks because of the cover. I think its pretty obvious what this ball will do without me spoon-feeding it to you. The cover is stronger, therefore, it will be earlier than the rest of the Hyroads we currently make. I anticipate using this ball on long patterns where the lane surface hooks, medium patterns, flatter patterns and possibly even shorter patterns where I really need to control my angles off of the gutter. You will see smoother ball motion out of the Max which will help control the pocket. House shots are not out of the equation either. This past week a buddy of mine bowled 858 with his Hy-Road Max on the house shot. Hy-Roads are known for being user friendly no matter what style you have and I think the Max continues the trend. As always, I try to give different styles an idea of what to expect. Slower speed player or rev dominant players will see this ball really dig in the midlane because of the NeX cover.

  • Lewis martin

    Posted by Lewis martin on Feb 10th 2021

    I love this ball, very clean through the fronts and smooth off the back, rolls very well when the lanes get very cliffed, and great ball for the transition.

  • Andrew Mienkiewicz

    Posted by Andrew Mienkiewicz on Feb 5th 2021

    Hy-Road Max: The famous inverted FE2 technology is back with this iteration of the Hy-Road series. This time we're matched up with the NEX cover; Storm's earliest cover to date. What I liked about this ball is we get the length we been accustomed to from the Hy-Road series with the teeth of the NEX cover. This will allow the ball to clear the fronts yet grab enough in the mid's to give you a smooth controllable shape. This ball will be perfect for a multitude of patterns; from house to sport and be receptive to a variety of surface changes to match the pattern and lane surfaces for a higher level of scoring. Video:

  • Ric McCormick

    Posted by Ric McCormick on Feb 3rd 2021

    Introducing the brand new Storm Hy-Road Max from Storm Products! This new ball has the NeX Solid Reactive Coverstock that is previously seen in the Proton Physix and Axiom wrapped around that famous Hy-Road core! My Hy-Road Max is drilled over my bridge which is a pretty standard layout for me about 4 1/2 inches away from my PAP! This reaction is a very different ball motion then seen in most Storm Bowling Balls, it gets through the front part of the lane very easy because of that famous core but the Coverstock allows it to read the midlane and be very smooth downlane! Whether your a tournament bowler or a league bowler this shape in a bowling ball needs to be in your bag!! Head over to your local Pro Shop Pre order one today and get the ball 2/19/21!