Dry Zone

(1 review) Write a Review

CoverstockReactive Pearl
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finishPolished
Weights12 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes

1 Review

  • ctsohan

    Posted by ctsohan on Jan 25th 2008

    For the price that I paid for the ball it has paid for it self 10 times over. I have many other balls and this one always seems to shine. I would have to say I'm very happy with the ball. On the typical house shot I can pull this ball out for the first game and then migrate to the left. I'm going to purchase another one and have it drilled to be less agressive for totally burnt lanes. The roll is very smooth with very little effort. The physical effort which I put into this ball is almost effortless. A very well construsted bowling ball.