Brunswick Red Alert Edge Bowling Ball

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Brunswick’s International Series has been developed specifically for Asian markets using core and coverstock systems that provide Asian bowlers with a range of equipment that matches up to typical Asian lane conditions. The looks of International Series balls are also adapted to Asian tastes making the International Series completely customized for Asian bowlers. Available only through International Distributors. TheRed Alert Edge brings a Skid / Snap reaction to the Red Alert Series. The Red Alert Edge combines design elements in a unique way that produces spectacular results. Low-RG but very angular. A High Gloss Polish surface with a high hook potential. The Red Alert Edge is an excellent match-up on all but the oiliest and driest lane conditions. Utility •Out of the Box: With its High Gloss Polish finish the Red Alert Edge will match up well on medium-dry to medium-oily conditions. •When dulled:The Red Alert Edge hooking action will increase and its arc will beco
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finishFactory Polish
Weights11 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes