Just starting out? You want a ball that will grow with your skills. A ball that can remain a valuable piece of your arsenal. The new Tornado series combines the features of entry-level simplicity, kicks it up a notch with a higher tech weight-block for more backend punch, and wraps it inside of the consistent power of the Mega-Bite™ Super Tack Plus coverstock. Available in the blue sanded version (800 grit) for faster ball speeds, a factory polished pearlized sparkle, and a factory polished two-tone sparkle for medium to slower ball speeds. Blowing the competition away doesn't always require outspending them. When bowlers with slower ball speeds and those who wanted to attack the lanes with a straighter trajectory asked us for a ball to wreak havoc on lighter oil conditions, we took the Tornado's modified pancake core and kicked it up a notch with a higher tech weight-block for more backend punch. Then we wrapped it with the consistent power of a Super Tack Plus reactive resin coverstock that's factory polished for a one-two punch that really scores.
Coverstock: Pearlized Super Tack Plus reactive resin™ with PET sparkles
Box Finish: 800 grit sanded, then factory polished
Color: Red/Silver Pearl
Core: Pancake with an offset flip block
Flare Potential: Medium Length: 23.7 (Ebonite's scale of 1 to 30, early to late)
Overall Hook: 13.0 (Ebonite's scale of 1 to 30, least to most)
Breakpoint Angle: 4.5 (Ebonite's scale of 1 to 10, most smooth to most angular)
Best Lane Condition: Light to Medium Oil
Weights (in lbs.) Available Radius of Gyration RG Differential
16 2.640 .034
15 2.650 .040
14 2.670 .045
13 2.700 .034
12 2.730 .036
11 2.750 .038
10 2.770 .040
Line | Tornado |
Color | Red/Silver |
Coverstock | Pearlized Super Tack Plus reactive resin™ with PET sparkles |
Core | 3-piece Asymmeterical |
RG | 2.64 |
Differential | 0.034 |
Intermediate Diff | n/a |
Factory finish | 800 grit sanded, then factory polished |
Weights | 10 thru 16lbs |
8 Reviews
This is a decent ball which also has decent hook. On dry lanes it could be god or it could kill you in the end. If you are good to the ball it will be good to you. I liked it the few games i threw it because of the fact that it didn't really move much and all i could think of was that i just might have found the best thing i am looking for. I have a big hit i just got recenty it will be a battle of those 2 balls to see which one will be victorious over the other, but they hopefully both will be good.
Drilled it up balance levarge and it hooks a decent amount for such a inexpensive ball. I was playing on resurfaced wood lanes on a house shot and this was hooking out of the building. I stood on 25 with my right foot (right handed) and sent it to 10, reved up very slow but then came back with a huge backend into the pocket and carried most of the hits. Got this ball for $25 with only 3 games on it. Would be a lot easier to control if it was drilled weaker. Has a nice backend to it.
Can't beat this ball when it comes to performance/cost ratio. You get a ball that has very good hooking potential and a strong backend move to the pocket. The perfect ball for dry lanes and a must have if you run into those conditions. I polished my Blue Tornado w/ the ebonite extender polish, and it works great when those backends get bone dry. While others guys are changing there shot to combat the dry conditions, I reach for the Tornado and blow them away. Its great when you beat guys who spent $200 on a ball w/ one that costs $60. If you struggle on dry lanes consider this ball.
this thing hits like a freightliner. no matter where it hits their is always a chance to carry a strike. how can u not have this thing in the bag. sure ebonite cant compare to track but damn this thing is amazing. their has never been a ball this good for this cheap. its amazing how great it really is. u will have to throw it to believe it. i have one last thing to say if u dont have this ball in ur bag ur crazy. So have fun and go out and find one. o yeah by the way i have the blue sparkle one and damn it looks good
The ball takes off really good but when it takes off too soon it leaves splits or ten pins. If the ball takes off too late the ball doesn't have time to react, so it misses the pocket. Good back end in medium oil and light oil. Overall it is a nice ball! I went to Lower Michigan to bowling a tournament and the ball didn't even move. I had to move from 2 to 2½ boards to the right to make the ball move from the original spot. I average about 190, good ball If you play on medium with back-end.<scri
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i've had this ball for a few months now and really don't have any big complaints....other than the fact that unless you throw like a 6 year old girl the thing wont turn in oil. funny thing is, i throw just a little harder than the aforementioned girl so i can't whine. its a good ball for the money. sure does fling the pins around, but i do leave a lot more 9 pins with this one than any other ball i own. i guess that means it drives pretty hard. so if you're looking for a ball that thrives on the dry stuff, give this one a shot. anyhow, for a relatively low ball speed and dry lanes, this ball does a fantastic job.
the pearlized tornado is ebonites version of the scout .... great late game tourny ball, carries pretty good, u cant throw this ball on any kind of oil - it just slides forevr - i have mine driled at 9:00 for great length an a tiny back end-- i didnt touch the cover yet but if i do an it makes a great change in this ball i will post another review....this ball fits in between my afterburner an my rip.. carries better than both though- thats about all i have to say about the latest ball from the ebonite line