Columbia 300 Bud II Bowling Ball

(3 reviews) Write a Review

Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finishMatte
Weights14 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes

3 Reviews

  • oliver

    Posted by oliver on Mar 18th 2021

    I have one too ... So I need some advices for How take care of it ?

  • mgiusto

    Posted by mgiusto on Jun 12th 2003

    Because I bowl with no-thumb inserted I cannot use today's pro-active balls and the crazy weight blocks found in them. I've had this ball for the past 10 years or so and it's gotten it's share of nicks and gauges. I wish I could find another one of these as a backup in case my current ball dies for good. I have only bowled during the summer for a company league and the last three years I have seen my avg. go from 175 to 189 to 205 in those three years. (I guess I've gotten better with age lol) The last two years I threw a 289 in each year. If I bowled in a winter league who knows what I would accomplish. This ball is just absolutely perfect for my style of bowling. I just wish I could find another one. My track to the pocket is a thing of beauty and every summer I am asked where do I bowl in the winter and what is my average. You should see the looks on some of these people when I respond that I only bowl for 13 weeks in the summer and that's it... Priceless.

  • bowlin_on_twenties

    Posted by bowlin_on_twenties on Jan 18th 2003

    really good to learn your hook on, goes strait into the pocket with a good stroke. its a pretty comforatable ball to learn on, and with time it becomes a great spare ball too. pretty good power if you crank it too. sometimes you just have to have a perfect stroke if you want to go directly to the pocket. heads over to the left of the pocket and takes out just the head more than i would like. its a nice ball IF your new, once you start figuring what your flaws are or you just know what doing wrong everytime, you may want to move up to a better ball, like the hammer blade or columbia 300 wicked; these arent just for looks, they're the two best balls ive ever thrown.