Brunswick Crown Jewel Gold Bowling Ball

(1 review) Write a Review

LineCrown Jewel
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finishPolished
Cleared USBCYes

1 Review

  • telsport

    Posted by telsport on Jan 28th 2008

    FAR before the latest stuff came out...about 1965-we weren't all that techy. We just walked up to the line, tried to imitate Don Carter in his approach =release , set the ball down with some forward impetus and watched that true tracker go down 3/4 of the way and make a slight left turn and blow hell out of the rack.. On Saturday mornings when the bowling center oiled the lanes, this ball was not a happy solution because I had to slow it down so far to get it to the pocket...but back then, nothing was. I would sure like to find another one.Anybody out there got one? Tom<scri