C-System 2.5

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Performance balls featuring Chemical Friction Technology In addition to being a legendary bowler, Salvino has studied what makes a bowling ball react and experimented to create advanced technology materials and holds multiple patents related to bowling ball design. This new line of performance bowling balls features Chemical Friction Technology (CFT). As Salvino explains, “The coverstock was chemically designed to have shaped molecular structures that produce a high coefficient of friction. Because of the shape of the molecule, when the ball goes into rolling friction, which occurs at the back part of the lane, slippage is eliminated and the ball will give you maximum entry and carry. This is the advantage of chemical friction versus mechanical friction. “The chemistry is versatile enough that even if sanded or polished, it will not change the shape of the molecule. That is the uniqueness of this chemistry.” Coverstock: CFT 2.5 ™ The chemistry was uniquely designed to have shaped molecular structures that produce a high coefficient of friction. Because of the shape of the molecule, when the ball goes into rolling friction, which occurs at the back part of the lane, slippage is eliminated and the ball will give you maximum entry and carry. Core: I-Block The new I – Block core was engineered specifically for the CFT 2.5 coverstock to create maximum forgiveness, strong entry angles along with versatile drilling layouts. Reaction Characteristics * Ball Motion: With its 4000-grit micro pad finish, the C · (System) 2.5 will provide good length with a strong continuous backend reaction that matches up on medium to oily lane conditions for a wide range of bowling styles. * Reaction Setup:The C · (System) 2.5 can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for asymmetric bowling balls.
CoverstockChemical Friction Technology
Core2-piece Asymmetrical
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finish4000 Micro Pad
Weights12 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes