Pro Speed Master

(1 review) Write a Review

Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finish4000 Grit Abralon
Weights12 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes

1 Review

  • Minority1

    Posted by Minority1 on Jul 1st 2012

    Spent 40 bucks on ebay for this international ball and it's continued to pay off time and time again. Want to play corner to corner? no problem. Skid Snap? done. Stroke between third and fourth arrow? go right ahead. On house shots I love playing between the second arrow to the right standing all the way inside with this ball because I'll know it'll recover each and every time. For heavier oil conditions I would recommend keeping it factory finish playing it down the third arrow for a tighter shot. This ball has become my bench mark for shadow balling and early reads, I recommend everyone to try it that is if you can still find it.