Hammer Vibe Envy XR Bowling Ball

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414 were made. Just like with our first Bowler's Mart Private Stock Vibe XR, we have extracted the solid part out of one of Hammer's hybrid coverstocks. This time we went with the Deadly Aim's Primer Reactive Hybrid, turned it GREEN. Here is our latest Vibe Envy XR. - Be the ENVY of everyone with this limited edition VIBE ENVY. Also when you order your Vibe Envy XR you will own that number for future releases of XR projects so you are always guaranteed first chance at your personal numbered XR.
ColorNeon Clover
CoverstockPrimer Reactive Solid
CoreVibe Core
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finish500-500-1000-2000 then polished with PowerHouse Factory Finish
Cleared USBCYes