Hammer Scandal Bowling Ball

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FCC Rating (27.75) The overall strength of the Scandal makes it the strongest hooking Hammer ball ever produced! What makes it so strong? Is it the new Scandal core, Semtex Solid CFI (Carbon Fiber Infused) cover? Finish (9) The 2000 AbralonTM finish is perfect for medium to heavy oil patterns. Although designed for fresh oil patterns, polishing the Scandal will increase its skid through the front part of the lane as well as its reaction at the back end. Cover (10) Chemical Friction, blah, blah. Mechanical Friction, blah, blah. We got your friction! Our new Semtex Solid CFI (Carbon Fiber Infused) cover takes friction to a whole new level.
CoverstockSemtex Solid CFI
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finish500 / 2000 AbralonTM
Weights12-16 lbs
Cleared USBCYes