Columbia 300 N'Sane Antics Bowling Ball

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The N’sane Antics is a bright, eye catching white, crimson and azure that will stand out on any wall and will definitely be noticed on the lanes. The fun is in the reaction of this insanely awesome ball. It’s a solid cover with more built in traction, while also being shiny. The AR300 Solid cover is finished with 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Abralon before getting buffed with Clean and Sheen at a slow 300 RPM to make sure the ball has some teeth left in it. The core shape is the same as the first two Antics balls, but we changed the densities to lower the differential for a smoother transition and provide predictability which will make it the perfect complement to the previous Antics balls.
CoverstockAR300 Solid
CoreHi-Dynamix II
Intermediate Diff0.016
Factory finish500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Abralon, buffed with Clean and Sheen at a slow 300 RPM
Weights12-16 lbs
Cleared USBCYes

1 Review

  • #LetsbowlA300

    Posted by #LetsbowlA300 on Jul 17th 2014

    Paul Smith Left Handed Rev Rate: 450-500 Layout 70x4.25x40 I'm happy to let you in on this N'S@ne mind blowing news. Columbia 300 was Crazy but now they are just down right N'S@ne since the release of the N'S@ne Antics. The N'S@ne Antics is complimentary to the Crazy Antics, the difference is the N'S@ne has a solid cover and they have lowered the differential which makes the ball cleaner ans smoother through the front part of the lane. This means that the ball may allow you in some situations to play straighter and have the continuous curve you saw with the Crazy Antics. Check out the video via C300 Ambassador #Letsbowl #TeamC300 #Havefun

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