Wild Card

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Core The new ultra-low RG Paragon core was designed with two intentions. First, lower the RG to create a faster revving core that will provide improved mid-lane traction. And second, raise the RG differential to increase the track flare potential which will generate more overall hook with standard layouts and the use of interchangeable thumb sleeves. Coverstock The Wild Card utilizes ConneXion coverstock known for its unbelievable traction response from foul line to head pin. The aggressive connection of the Wild Thing to the lane surface inspires confidence in the ball reaction that allows bowlers to play the lanes the way they want to. Ball Motion With its 2,000 Siaair Micro Pad finish, the Wild Card will provide good length with a strong continuous backend reaction that matches up on medium to oily lane conditions for a wide rand of bowling styles.
CoverstockConneXion Solid
Core2-piece Symmetrical
Intermediate Diffn/a
Factory finish2000 Micro Pad
Weights12 thru 16lbs
Cleared USBCYes